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In 2040 the asteroid will not destroy life on Earth

We should not worry about the 2013 asteroid,as it will pass close to Earth but it will not collide ! And if it collides,what can we do ? There´s no active mission for that one ! The real threat here is THIS ONE and a plan has been developed of how can we stop this threat to our world. Decission are yet to be taken as we do not know what is made from. Soil samples are to be collected in 2016. I had to change the soundtrack due to copyrights infringement. Sorry for the misspelled ´´mankind´´ in the begining of the video,anyways,I was in a rush to share this with you guys,everyone needs to know about this. In January 2011,NASA along with other Space Agencies around the world discovered something that has never been seen before... This could be the end of mankid as we know it.... At this very moment,a 460 feet(140 meter) asteroid is heading towards Earth with high chances of collision and possible destruction of our world... NASA estimates that the collision will take place around 2040. Unless we do something....

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