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What is an asteroid, a meteor, a meteorite and a meteoroid?

Terms asteroid, meteor, meteoroid, used more often by people in different contexts, but the problem lies in the fact that although think you have a clear, many people do not know their meaning. These terms are often used without a second thought and reckless manner, without knowing the meaning, especially when two of them threaten Earth in the same day.
Termat asteroid, meteor, dhe meteoroid, perdoren shume shpesh nga njerez ne kontekste te ndryshme, por problemi qendron ne faktin qe edhe pse mendojne qe e kane te qarte, shume persona nuk e dine kuptimin e tyre. Keto terma perdoren shpesh edhe pa u menduar dhe ne menyre te pamatur, pa i ditur kuptimin, e vecanerisht kur dy prej tyre kercenojne Token ne te njejten dite.

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