8-year-old Boy marries 61-year-old Woman at Wedding ceremony in Tshwane, South Africa
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on Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Child bridegroom: Eight-year-old boy marries 61-year-old woman after 'dead ancestors told him to tie the knot'
Sanele Masilela got hitched to Helen Shabangu, who is already married
The pair exchanged rings and kissed in front of 100 guests
But his family insists it was just a ritual to appease ancestral spirits
An eight-year-old schoolboy has married a 61-year-old woman because the ghost of his dead ancestor told him to.
Sanele Masilela tied the knot with Helen Shabangu, who is already married and a mother-of-five.
The boy, from Tshwane, South Africa, said he had been told by his dead ancestors to wed and his family, fearing divine retribution, forked out for a wedding.
They paid £500 for the bride and a further £1,000 for the big day, which was organised in just two months.
Një djalosh i vogël 8-vjeçar është martuar me një 61-vjeçare sepse fantazma e gjyshes i tha ta bënte një gjë të tillë. Sanele Masilela vendosi kështu të lidhte kurore me Helen Shabangu, e cila është e martuar dhe ka pesë fëmijë me një burrë tjetër. Djali nga Tshwane, Afrikë e Jugut tha se paraardhësit e tij që kishin ndërruar jetë, i kishin thënë të martohej dhe se familja e tij mezi priste ta shikonte dhëndër. Ata paguan 2 mijë euro për ditën e madhe e cila u organizua për dy muaj. Siç edhe mund ta shihni, ceremonia ishte si gjithë të tjerat me betime e shkëmbime unazash. E vetmja gjë e çuditshme, ishte çifti.