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Chinese Boy Azhe Liu Has Been Sleeping with a Python for 13 Years, Since He was Few Months Old

Chinese Boy Azhe Liu Has Been Sleeping with a Python for 13 Years, Since He was Few Months Old (1)
 A Chinese man discovered the perfect nanny for his 13 year old son, a huge python. The man claims the python and his son are “best of friends.” Chan Liu found the perfect nanny for taking care of his 13 year-old son, Azhe. It’s a 15 foot long, 220 pound python. Liu insists his son and the snake are the ‘best of friends” that kiss and cuddle. Azhe describes his python as “very careful with me and never squeezes too hard.” Chan Liu purchased the snake six years before Azhe was born. Liu claims that he knew the snake wouldn’t hurt his son, so he left them alone and they grew to be inseparable.

Chinese Boy Azhe Liu Has Been Sleeping with a Python for 13 Years, Since He was Few Months Old (2)

Chinese Boy Azhe Liu Has Been Sleeping with a Python for 13 Years, Since He was Few Months Old (3)
 Një gjarpër piton 100 kilogramësh, kujdeset për një djalosh 13-vjeçar, njofton "The Sun".Chan Liu dhe gruaja e tij, çdo ditë kur shkojnë në punë në vend që të angazhojnë ndonjë "kujdestare" për tu kujdesur për djalin 13-vjeçar, ata djalin ia besojnë një gjarpëri të tipit-piton, i cili është i gjatë afër pesë metra dhe i cili lëviz lirshëm nëpër shtëpi.
Azhe ka krijuar një miqësi të fortë me pitonin, duke bashkëjetuar me të në shtëpi.
"Ajo kurrë nuk më shtrëngon fortë", tha Azhe.
"Nuk besoj se ndonjë person do të guxonte të hynte dhe të grabiste shtëpinë ose Azhe", tha Chan, i cili tha se nuk ka nevojë për të angazhuar ndonjë kujdestare për djalin e tij.
Chinese Boy Azhe Liu Has Been Sleeping with a Python for 13 Years, Since He was Few Months Old (4)

Chinese Boy Azhe Liu Has Been Sleeping with a Python for 13 Years, Since He was Few Months Old (6)

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