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Is the White House haunted? The Ghost Stories of the White House


  There have long been many stories about the White House being haunted. Good grief, it's sure seen enough history over the years. Now, the newest occupant of the presidential residence, First Lady Michelle Obama, appears to confirm the haunting mystery. She likely terrified a group of children visiting that very same White House today. They were there on take your own child or someone else's cute kid to work day. But they surely didn't count on Mystery Hour.
Adresa me e famshme ne Amerike, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, eshte gjithashtu edhe nje adrese e famshme per gjuetaret e fantazmave. Presidente, gra te para, pjestare te stafit te Shtepise se Bardhe, dhe mysafire kane raportuar ndienja te prezences se fantazmave, kane degjuar zhurma te pashpjegueshme, dhe madje edhe jane perplasur me aparicione aktuale. Abigail Adams & David Burns Abigail Adams dhe bashkeshorti i saj John, presidenti i dyte i Shteteve te Bashkuara (1797-1801), u transferuan ne 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue nga Filadelfia. Ne ate kohe, Washington D.C. ishte akoma vetem nje qytet. Per shkak se dhoma lindore ishte dhoma me e ngrohte dhe me e thate, Abigail aty varte rrobat e lagura per tu thare. Fantazma e saj, thuhet dhe eshte raportuar shpesh se e kane pare te drejtohet per nga dhoma lindore, me krahet e hapura ne nje forme qe duket sikur eshte duke mbajtur rrobat e lara.

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